Meet Romeo, ScotRail’s feathered friend…

Last updated: Friday, 10 March 2017

The ScotRail Alliance has brought in a new eagle-eyed contractor to keep Inverness station free of flying pests.

With certain birds known to cause nuisance in the station, managers at the train operator looked for someone with a particular set of skills to keep unwanted guests out.

To deal with the problem, four-year-old Romeo, a Harris Hawk, is paying the highland capital a visit this week to make sure that local seagulls and pigeons know that the station is a no-fly zone.

Laura Cook, conductor team manager for Inverness station, said: “It’s great to see Romeo spreading his wings across the station. We used to have issues with pigeons and gulls, lots of them like to roost in the station, and one even stole a sandwich off a trolley. Since he’s arrived, the other birds are keeping well away.”

Falconer Julia Suthers, from Fly Enviro, who harness Romeo’s talents, said: “Hawks are a natural predator, so the other birds flee when they see him.

“Pigeons and gulls like to nest in places like station roofs, but they definitely won’t if they associate the area with danger. Romeo has settled into the station really well and he’s getting lots of attention, which he loves.”