Time to switch your commute to rail?

Beat the traffic, shorten your commute and get there quicker by train.

Don't start stop - get straight there

When you commute by train, there's no need to worry about traffic jams and road works. Get to Glasgow, fast.

Watch illustration saying fast journey times

Station Journey time to Glasgow Central
Pollokshaws West 9 minutes
Kennishead 13 minutes
Priesthill & Darnley 15 minutes
Nitshill 17 minutes

Trains so punctual you can set your smartwatch by them

We’re committed to providing you with a frequent, reliable and punctual service. With 97%* of trains arriving in Glasgow on time, we'll get you where you need to be on time.

Departure screen illustration - 97% of trains on time

Station Frequency of trains to Glasgow Central
Pollokshaws West Four trains per hour
Kennishead Trains every 30 minutes
Priesthill & Darnley Trains every 30 minutes
Nitshill Trains every 30 minutes

Frequencies based on main day Monday - Saturday timetables.

*Source: Network Rail – Public Performance Measure (PPM) data for Pollokshaws West, Kennishead, Priesthill & Darnley and Nitshill stations (Monday to Friday, 06:00-10:00, 21/05/2017 to 22/07/2017)

Commuting by train costs less than you think

With great value fares, trains when you need them, and a service you can rely on, taking the train offers great all-round value.

Coin illustration - low £ fares

Station Single Return Weekly Season
Pollokshaws West £2.40 £3.80 £13.80
Kennishead £3.10 £4.30 £16.00
Priesthill & Darnley £3.20 £4.60 £17.30
Nitshill £3.20 £4.90 £18.10

We'll keep you up to speed and on the move every day

We’ve invested heavily in the technology to ensure your commute is as smooth as possible from start to finish.

With live departure boards and announcements at stations, you’ll never be left guessing when your next train is due.

Even better, download the free ScotRail app to check your journey and buy tickets on the move.

Find out more about the ScotRail app

Tap and travel

Commuting by train really is the smarter way to travel.

Buy your tickets online and load them on to your Smartcard ahead of travel. This new way of travelling means you can avoid the ticket office queues.

But the benefits don’t stop there. As a Smartcard Season Ticket holder you’ll also be eligible for special travel and promotional offers.

  • A third off Standard Off-Peak single and return tickets for you and three adults aged 16+ when you’re travelling together
  • Great promotions with our retail partners offering discounts on food and drink, shopping and holidays!

Find out more about Smartcard

Ready to switch your commute to rail?
Plan your journey