Buses replace trains between Glasgow Central and Barrhead / Kilmarnock / Dumfries on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June

Routes Affected

ScotRail between Glasgow Central and Barrhead / Carlisle

Validity Period


Engineering work is taking place between Glasgow Central and Dumfries, closing some lines .


Buses will replace trains between Glasgow Central and Barrhead / Kilmarnock.

Trains will run between Kilmarnock and Dumfries / Carlisle only.


Buses will replace trains between Glasgow Central and Dumfries.

Trains will run between Dumfries and Carlisle only.

Check before you travel:

You can plan your journey using the National Rail Enquiries Journey Planner

Replacement Bus Travel Advice:

For helpful advice if you need to travel on a rail replacement service, including accessibility and bicycle information, please use this page .

You can find the location of your bus replacement by checking station signs or by searching for your station on our station information pages .

Please be advised that, on occasion, replacement vehicles may be busier than usual, and you should allow extra time for your journey.