Why explore Doors Open Scotland 2019?

Last updated: Friday, 30 August 2019

It’s nearly that time of year again where we can enjoy a nosey into all those buildings across the country that you normally can’t get access to.

Glasgow City ChambersDoors Open Days Scotland is back. And it’s a big one this year as it celebrates 30 years of allowing us to peep behind the scenes of some iconic buildings.

During weekends in September, more than a thousand venues all over Scotland are open to the public to take a wander around, enjoy a tour and discover more about these architectural gems. So many different types of buildings open their doors, from court houses to libraries, fire stations to kirks and heritage railways to a secret bunker.

Some buildings are only open for one day in the month, others for multiple weekends so it’s best to take a look at http://www.doorsopendays.org.uk to see what doors are open in your area.

Doors Open Festival Glasgow

In Glasgow, to celebrate the 30th anniversary, the city is hosting a week-long Open Doors Festival between 16 – 22 September. There will be 122 buildings open and a host of guided walks, talks, events and activities for the kids. For more information about where you can have a good nosey in Glasgow, have a look here .

For some of the Glasgow events, you can still explore for free but some places require pre-booking. You can do that through https://www.glasgowdoorsopendays.org.uk

Getting around

All over Scotland, a lot of the Doors Open events are within easy reach of railway stations so why not take the train? At weekends, all you need to get around is a great value off-peak ticket. And don’t forget that up to four children can travel with an adult for just £1 return each with a Kids for a Quid ticket.

Enjoy exploring!
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