Nick Lloyd: The Eastern Front

This is the second volume of Nick Lloyd’s magisterial, landmark history of the First World War. Having dealt with the much better known events of the Western Front in Belgium and France, this new book tells the less well understood story of the war in the Balkans that was ignited as a struggle between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia. The conflict sucked in Russia, Germany and Italy, and huge numbers, 16 million soldiers and 2 million civilians, were killed, wounded or maimed in enormous battles that sometimes ranged across a front that could be 100km in length. A beautifully structured, wonderfully well-written account from a historian at the peak of his powers.

Many open books laid out together Many open books laid out together

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Event Location

St Mary's Road

Melrose TD6 9LJ

United Kingdom

Closest station


Ticket prices

Standard £14

Event schedule

Friday, June 14, 2024